Back to school donations will be collected by volunteers from Communities in Schools of Seattle. Suggested items most needed include backpacks, markers, colored pencils, crayons, pencils, folders, rulers, glue, scissors, composition and spiral notebooks. The items will be given to local Seattle schools with most needs.
The opening game will entertain the whole family and fans with several events. Tribal Order will perform on the outdoor stage located at the northwest entrance to the stadium from 5-6 p.m. and The Neil Diamond Experience will perform in the Brougham Beer Hall from 5:45-6:45 p.m.
Activities include the following:
- New interactive games and contests
- New photo opportunities
- Airbrush tattoos and hair painting
- Sea Gals and Jr. Sea Gals performances
- Legends autograph area
- Sea Gals autograph booth
- Appearances by Blitz and BOOM, Seahawks mascots
- 710 ESPN Entertainment Zone featuring live reports and pregame analysis
- Season long food and beverage specials