Sep 21, 2014

Rotary China Friendship Jesse Tam

Where should the  Rotary Tour begin?  Each time I returned from Asia or business, my friends and associates would say, "I want to see China with you".  They wanted to see for themselves the major changes and business developments.

 I couldn't possibly take each one to see the amazing places or experiences. That would take too many years or maybe even a decade.  The tour to  China begins from the gates of the Seattle International Airport to our first stop Beijing Capital International Airport.

It was a long flight to Beijing and we arrived  after 12 plus hours and connected with our other Rotarian joining us from Africa.  Ready to hit the road and venture into amazing China with so much to see and experience in just a short week. Feeling the jet lag, we had a few hours to rest and refresh ourselves before starting the afternoon city tour of Beijing.

There were two climbs at this sight, one was easier and the other steeper. One friend leading to another and we became a group of 27 Rotarians and non Rotarian friends. More to stories to come.